Advantages of wool: Wool is a 100% natural, renewable, and biodegradable fiber growing on the sheep. It protects the sheep from all kinds of weather. And thus, it protects us from the weather to a certain degree as well, when we wear it. The wool fiber looks like a spiral feather and is very elastic. It can be stretched both when it is dry and when it is wet. It is versatile and strong, and very durable. Wool can absorb moistness up to 30% of its own weight, without feeling being moist or cold. When the fiber absorbs moistness, heat is generated. also evaporates water when warm. Because of the fiber spirals, there are little pockets of air in the wool that contains the body heat and acts as an insulation for the body in cold surroundings. This process will give a cooling effect, and we will not overheat. Wool clothes are not smelly. Because wool absorbs such large amounts of moistness, the skin will keep dry longer, and reduce the amount of sweat and bacteria and uncomfortable smells. As the wool absorbs moisture, it also absorbs the smells. And the way to release them is by airing the clothes after use. Because the wool fiber is covered with a protective layer, dirt will not easily be absorbed into the wool. It is also anti-static, which means that dust does not linger there. This means that wool clothes do not need to be washed that often. It is enough to give them a good airing outside. Wool acts as an air purifier! Because there are small amounts of chemical compounds in the air, in which most are not dangerous, but some can be of nuisance for people with allergies. As in the way wool traps bad smells from sweat and bacteria, it also traps chemicals from the air, and can improve the inside climate. Wool is a flame retardant, because it contains a high level of nitrogen and the high level of moisture absorbance. Wool does not melt, or drip, or stick to the skin, and it produces less smoke in a fire situation. Wool lives a long time, can be reused, and reproduced. Disadvantages with wool: Wool can easily be deformed if not treated right. Wool also readily soaks up water, which can stretch and distort the fabric with the excess weight of the water in the material. Wool is loved by moths, that will feast on it, if not protected. White or light-colored wool can turn yellow over time. Luckily it can be reversed. Wool clothes can be expensive. The disadvantage of the wool's prized characteristic - its scale. The grip of the fibers makes it excellent for spinning, but this characteristic also makes it difficult to maintain in the fabric’s original shape. Whenever the fabric is rubbed or agitated, the fibers grip and interlock with their neighbors, tightening or pilling the fabric. References: